

Have questions or want to talk to us?
Call 618-242-1108 and leave a message, and someone will call you back or you can e-mail us at angels@mountvernonfirst.org

This is
OUR story
Food Pantry
9:00-11:00 am
To receive food you must be a Jefferson County resident. You will have to sign in, give an address, and the number of people in your family. There are income guidelines posted so the client may verify their income before signing in for free food. A client may obtain food once every 4 weeks. Food sources include USDA, Midwest Foodbank, churches, food drives, and community contributions.
Thrift Store
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Want to come in?
The thrift shop, which is open to the public, receives donations of clothing, household items, and furniture that are resold to the public to help as many people as possible.
Every dollar made in the thrift shop goes back into our food pantry and financial assistance program to continue helping our community. Clients in need may request clothing vouchers and then are give some items free. Bag days are generally the last Friday of the month and anyone can come in and fill a bag full of clothing for a low price.
Looking to donate?
Thrift shop donations are important; they are sold and provide the funds for the Financial Assistance Programs and Food Pantry. You can save our volunteers some time by remembering this about your donations: All donations should be clean/gently used–if you are not wearing it/using it because of tears/stains/worn/broken then we will not be selling it either! Household items should be in clean/good condition and if small appliances–working. Drop-offs may be made on Wednesday mornings, Thursdays, Friday mornings, and the first Saturday morning of each month. Call 618-242-1108 for pick-up for larger items.
Angels on Assignment Donation Guidelines
Angels Thrift Shop happily accepts the following new or gently used items:
Clothing (Men’s, Women’s, Teen, Children’s, Baby)
Scarves, jewelry, belts
Coats, hats, gloves, mittens
Games, toys
Housewares: dishes, glassware, serve ware, pots and pans, silverware, kitchen utensils, small appliances
Lamps, small rugs
Craft goods: knitting yarn, knitting needles, crochet thread, needles, needlework kits
Books, records, DVDs
Paper goods: cards, stationery, wrapping paper, gift bags,
Collectibles, antiques, knick-knacks, and other giftware
Domestics: linens, curtains blankets, comforters, tablecloths, draperies, etc
Luggage, backpacks
Home health items: shower seats, wheelchairs, canes, etc.
All items should be clean, useable, and free of dirt, stains, tears, in working order, etc.
Financial Aid
By Appointment
To receive financial assistance from Angels on Assignment a person must be a Jefferson County resident for at least 6 months. Please call 618-242-1108 to make an appointment for an interview. When a client comes for that appointment they must provide information including their driver’s license, Social Security card, landlord’s information, utility, and other bills and income, if applicable. Financial help is available once every 6 months.

The Mission of Angels on Assignment is to honor God by serving those in need with care and dignity.
Angels on Assignment began in 1991 with a vision to help those in our community who were struggling to survive in tough economic times. The ministry continues because the need continues.
Angels on Assignment is an all volunteer organization with volunteers from multiple area churches and the community.
Angels on Assignment is the signature ministry of the First United Methodist Church of Mount Vernon, Illinois, providing assistance for basic family needs — including rent, food, & utilities — for Jefferson County residents.